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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why Are You on the Team?

Have you ever stopped to ask why you are involved in something?

There are many reasons why we do things as adults. Obligation, need, a sense of worth, meaning, fulfillment-just to name a few. What we might fail to do is check our motivation for doing what we do. Of course, I'm not suggesting we quit our jobs because they don't "fulfill" us, etc. What I am suggesting is that we be more intentional in our daily actions.

Excuse me as I use another sports analogy. I like sports so it works for me. Why does a young man join a sports team? He wants to belong. He wants to wear the jersey and be recognized as a member of the team (whatever sport it is). There is nothing inherently wrong with joining a team in order to belong; however, if one joins a team merely to gain notoriety, I have trouble respecting him.


Because being a member of a team means I care more about my team than myself. It means that I work hard so I don't let my team down when I'm on the court or field. I put my team's needs above my own. When I join a team in order to belong, the irony is that I will only truly belong if I contribute to the team's success--if I help win ball games. Nobody on the team has patience for the stooge who goofs around during practice-who doesn't try to hone his skills and correct his mistakes--and then demands to be put on the starting lineup!

So it is in many areas of our lives: we join churches because we want to belong, but then we sit on the sidelines and criticize the leadership instead of contributing to the success of the team. We complain about the problems at work but do not figure out ways to be a part of the solution. We whine about our spouses instead of finding creative ways to help them achieve their potential.

I need to ask myself: why am I on the team? Do I want to help win ball games? Or am I content to wear the jersey and look the part of a player while failing to do my part for my teammates?

Why did I join this church? Do I want to help serve my brothers and sisters in Christ? Or am I content to warm a seat in the pew and refuse to get involved because I don't feel qualified to help?

Why do I work here? Do I want to contribute to the overall success of this business? Or would I rather be miserable because it's not my job to improve this or that area?

Why do I go to school? Do I want to learn and improve my understanding? Or am I content to slide by with mediocre to failing grades because I don't feel like working? (Students, your family is your team, and you are letting your team down when you don't overcome the obstacle of motivation in your personal education.)

Why did I get married? Do I want to encourage my spouse so our union can be stronger? Or would I rather find fault and point my finger without trying to help my spouse become a better person simply because I am in his life?

Why am I on the team?

I want to win, that's why. I hope you do, too.


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